PACS and Imaging Informatics Professional Training

26th Mar to 30th Mar, 2018, Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

PACS and Imaging Informatics

Course Name: “PACS and Imaging Informatics Professional Training "
Trainer(s) of the training: Andrea Poli (from Italy), Ronald W. Gilbert (from USA)
Venue: Aloft Sentral, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Number of Participants: 06
Country wise participation: Saudi Arabia (01), Qatar (01), Kuwait (02), Pakistan (01), Thailand (01) 
Achievement of the course objectives: Yes, all agreed.
Some of the testimonials: 
“Extremely good presentation and explanation of the DICOM & HL7 standards. Very comprehensive and easy to understand content dilevery.”
“Excellent overview of the phased strategy towards enterprise imaging, good group discussion of different environment and different scenarios.” 

Course Benefits

You will leave with an understanding of:

  • PACS/RIS/HIS systems, their role, architecture, installation, the integration and the workflow
  • Understanding radiology practices, clinical workflow, modalities, type of images and clinical needs, organization, etc.
  • The major standards in the e-health sector and how to use them: DICOM, both semantic and communication; HL7 standard, it’s semantic and use. How to simulate a DICOM and HL7 network; connect DICOM and HL7 node and exchange information; basic troubleshooting.
  • Interoperability, IHE profiles of IT domain related to radiology, as XDS and XDS-I
  • New trends in imaging technology: PACS/RIS as web application, html5 viewer, streaming and more; cloud PACS and its pros & cons; extending PACS to other medical specialties.
  • VNA, deconstructed PACS, VNS installation, how VNA can solve some of the issues in radiology department as well as in the entire hospital.
  • How to assure quality, safety and security in the radiology department, Grayscale Standard Display Function, digital certificates, http, tls, vpn and many more
  • What is needed to comply with the policies of Regulatory Agencies such as HIPAA, MQSA, and HITECH.
  • What is included in a Needs Assessment for Imaging Informatics and how it meets strategic goals; the elements of a feasibility study such as Cost-Benefit analysis and ROI; technical specifications for software, hardware, and service and how they impact selection criteria
  • The Project Management process, scope, risks and constraints, tools for monitoring progress such as collaboration, timelines , and a variety of charts and lists (PERT, GANTT chart, milestones, critical path, tasks, and schedules).
  • Review of CIIP testing guide, understanding the test structure with content weighting and testing rules. Experience a simulated CIIP Certification examination under simulated testing conditions.
  • Mock Examination simulation up to 3 hours allowed. Evaluation of simulated examination responses by examinee and reason for that response if incorrect. Discussing the rationale behind the appropriate answers during a group review and how to retain the knowledge.
Course Outline

Who Should Attend?

  • PACS/RIS Administrators
  • Radiologic Technologists (RTs)
  • IT Engineer (RIS/PACS)
  • IT Support Engineer
  • Clinical staff with knowledge of medical standards
  • NM Technologist
  • Biomedical Imaging Professionals
  • Biomedical Engineers
  • Radiology Informatics Specialist
  • Medical lnformatics Specialist
  • Radiology Administrators
  • Chief Radiology Tech
  • Radiologist, Radiographers, MRI coordinators
  • Clinical Automation Manager
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