EDRM Module 1 – Introduction to EDRM
- Introduction to EDRM
- Business drivers
- Terminology
- Using ISO 15489, DoD 5015.2 and MoReq2
- Key EDRM concepts including when information becomes records
- Records management principles
- Records lifecycle
EDRM Module 2 – Creating and Capturing Records
- Types of records
- Determining what to capture
- Purpose, process and sources of electronic records
- Approaches to capture including manual, automated and bulk import
- Capturing and managing physical records
- Challenges in managing physical records
EDRM Module 3 – Metadata
- Metadata concepts and standards using ISO 23081
- Types of records-related metadata & metadata sources
- Computer application/system generated
- Applying metadata to records (Manual, Automated, Inheritance)
- Automated metadata collection
EDRM Module 4 – Introduction to Classification
- Introduction to classification
- Classification concepts
- Why classification matters
- Purpose of classification scheme
- Purpose of a file plan
- Purpose of a records retention schedule
- Classification approaches
- Deployment
- Classification categories
- Auto-categorisation
- Organizational taxonomy
EDRM Module 5 – Developing Classification Tools
- The records inventory
- Objectives
- Developing a classification scheme
- Guidelines
- Characteristics
- How to develop retention schedule
EDRM Module 6 – Classifying Records
- Challenges and issues
- How to classify records
- Auto-categorisation
- Approaches
- Tagging and folksonomies
- Recommendations and best practices
EDRM Module 7 – Search, Retrieval and Presentation
- Introduction
- Search and retrieval concepts
- Different search approaches
- Presentation and rendition
- Record viewers
- Annotation and redaction
- Concerns
EDRM Module 8 – Controls and Security
- Governance
- Characteristics of authoritative records
- Security and access controls
- Objects of user access rights
- Audit Trails
- Importance of audit trails
- Encryption and digital rights management (DRM)
- Encryption issues
- Impact of DRM on EDRM
- DRM issues
EDRM Module 9 – Retention and Disposition
- Retention and disposition
- Key factors
- Applying retention periods
- Exporting and transferring records
- When and how
- Destruction of records
- Destroying physical records
- Destroying electronic records
- Post-disposition considerations
EDRM Module 10 – Records Management Technologies
- Managing records without and EDRMS
- Share drive issues
- Local file storage issues
- Technology options
- Impact of EDRM on IT infrastructure
- Records management applications
- Enterprise content management (ECM) systems
- Basic content services
- Compliance solutions
- Implementation models
- Application server model
- Appliance model
- Hosted solution
- Client/Plug-in
- Software certifications
EDRM Module 11 – Electronic Records Storage
- Storage concepts
- Storage, backup and archives
- Storage technologies
- Magnetic disk storage
- Optical storage
- Solid-state storage
- Enterprise storage
- Selecting the appropriate storage technology
- Regulatory considerations
- Vendor considerations
EDRM Module 12 - Digital Preservation
- Introduction to preservation
- Physical preservation principles
- Electronic preservation principles
- Risk factors and issues
- Time
- Access Frequency
- Complexity
- Volume
- Approaches to preservation
- Technology preservation
- Emulation
- Migration
- Analogue preservation
- The migration plan